New Heroes & Pioneers

Söderberg Cafe


A beautiful hardcover cook book. Söderberg & Sara know how to work magic in the kitchen. From their infamous baking, foraging and sourcing interesting ingredients from their kitchen garden, each element of their food is considered, full of love and intrinsically based on their Scandinavian roots.

However, in order to manifest their personal humour, attitude and vision to their food, here we have the best tips, recipes and stories to come for their successful kitchen and cafe in both Ystad and Malmö. We will excite readers about Söderberg & Sara's quirky approach to cooking, food philosophy and the many palatable delights they offer.

The book will include recipes for Folkets Levain (the People's Levain Bread), food to create from foraging, tutorials on creating the best doughs, grow your own food and much more...

Hardback (

23cm X 17cm)

112 pages